Frequently asked questions

Deciding whether or not to buy automatic Instagram likes isn’t an easy decision. We provide as much information as possible to help make your decision a little easier. We try to answer the most common questions here but if still need further information please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Our system monitors your account for new posts 24/7. Once it has detected a new post it will be put into queue to receive likes and views. This usually takes place within minutes. If you have a delayed start in place then our system will ensure the likes and views do not come in until the delay period has passed.

Our system utilizes real users that are participating in a like for like exchange group. These are real users with profile images and real account activity. Never will we use bot accounts or accounts that otherwise look fake. Also note that it will not be the same people liking your posts over and over.

To ensure authenticity we will send a random number of likes to each post. It will never be the same amount. For example,  if you have a package for 250 likes then you may expect to receive anywhere from 250 likes to 300 likes per post. We can put together customized packages that are based on your specifications as well. Want to receive between 500 to 1000 likes a post? We can set that up!

We do not limit how many posts you receive likes to in a day. There is a monthly limit of 90 posts however. If you need more posts per month then please reach out to us so we can upgrade your package.

To maintain quality of our likes we have decided against this. You may find that some services do offer this option but you can count on those likes being poor quality. If you value your Instagram account then it is important that the likes you receive come from real accounts and not empty profiles.

All of our automatic likes packages include free double video views. For example, if you have a package for 1000 likes a post you will receive 2000+ views, a package for 5000 likes will receive 10,000+ views etc.. Visit our automatic Instagram views service if you require more views.

To utilize our services we require that your account be public, otherwise our users cannot see your posts. If you do put your account on private at any time while using our services it will pause your account. You can reactivate services by sending us a message with your IG username.

We do not require your password and would never ask for it. It is suggested that you never provide your password to anyone and to change it often. Our services will never attempt to login to your account or try to circumvent any security measures put in place.


The credit card that we accept are Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We also accept Bitcoin, ETH and USDC. By request we also accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, Zelle and Venmo. 

Yes. All payment data is encrypted and secure. No credit card information is stored on our servers.


Absolutely. If you are an agency and need likes we can help. In many cases we can provide discounted pricing. Send us a message to request details.

Certe, inquam, pertinax non emolumento aliquo, sed et quasi involuta aperiri, altera prompta et inter mediocrem animadversionem atque insitam in bonis sit sentiri haec putat, ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit extremum et negent

Certe, inquam, pertinax non emolumento aliquo, sed et quasi involuta aperiri, altera prompta et inter mediocrem animadversionem atque insitam in bonis sit sentiri haec putat, ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit extremum et negent

Certe, inquam, pertinax non emolumento aliquo, sed et quasi involuta aperiri, altera prompta et inter mediocrem animadversionem atque insitam in bonis sit sentiri haec putat, ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit extremum et negent